Welcome back to Cover Snark!
From Wait, What?: I’m not sure what is happening in this cover! She looks like she’s having a…moment…He looks totally annoyed, bro, and they both look like escapees from Saved by the Bell.
Sarah: They are from a 1994 JC Penney’s catalog, right? That’s where that image is from?
Elyse: I had that outfit in 5th grade.
Sneezy: The circle of life, eh? I wonder which of them is the ghost though. They both look oddly pasted on.
Kiki: This title and this cover feel so deeply sinister.
Maybe it’s just me?? I just..what’s gonna happen to that baby???
Amanda: That baby is definitely an arsonist.
Tara: For sure. The flame is coming out of their tiny fist!
Sarah: They better answer that baby’s cries within minutes, I think.
Sneezy: Aaah babies. Projectile vomiting, pooping, or shooting flames. Maybe even all at once.
From Reader Sarah: I feel a little guilty about submitting this cover because I’ve read the first book in the series and liked it. And the FMC here is a romance audiobook narrator. But I’m so distracted by this cover! One, burns! Mini tree twinkly Christmas lights can heat up hot and fast.
Two, is his chest imploding inward like a black hole to a demonic realm?
Sarah: OW. ow ow OW. Ow, take the pictu-OW -picture already.
Amanda: Also, Posey is not what I originally read.
Sarah: Oh my gosh you’re right.
Sneezy: Is this a kink or is this a poor decision?
From Elizabeth S: “I found my nipple…..?”
Sarah: He did! But he should put the gun down if it’s itchy. That way leads to disaster.
Amanda: I feel like he’s forcing us to look, given the gun.
Sarah: Maybe he dropped a bullet down his tank top?
Sneezy: Maybe he’s checking if the tank top is rippable ahead of time.